
Reliable, Safe & Trustworthy

Excavation Orlando, FL

"Excavation - Done Right!"

We are passionate excavation contractors in Orlando, FL who specialize in residential, commercial & industrial site preparation.

Land clearing, trenching for utilities, preparing and building foundations and basements, pond work and more!

If it's related to excavation services - we do it, and have been doing it safely and expertly for years.

Don't hesitate to reach out for a free quote today!

D R Excavation Orlando
390 N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801

Our Excavation Company's Process

Step 1:


When you get in touch with us, we begin the process of gathering information about your project needs.

We schedule a time and day to come personally inspect the property and work out the details of the job.

Step 2:

On-Site Visit

Next, we visit the property at the scheduled time and day. We carefully survey the property.

Confirm all the relevant details, asking many questions about your needs. Then, we schedule the work.

Step 3:

Complete the Work

When the scheduled time comes, we begin excavation. We will have made sure to pull any necessary permits by this time.

We ensure the completion of tasks in a secure, timely, and highly professional manner, meeting the highest standards.

Step 4:

Quality Review

Excavation is now complete, and we take time to review the work with the client or the client's contractors.

If anything needs changed or adjusted, this is when we make sure that everything was done as needed!

Excavation Contractors in Orlando, FL

  • a woman wearing a hard hat and safety vest is holding a blueprint

Excavation Contractors in Orlando, FL

D R Excavation Orlando is a full-service excavation contractor, specializing in residential, commercial and industrial projects.

We offer a wide range of services, from land clearing and grading to site preparation and utility installation. In addition, we are also able to provide demolition services, as well as haul away and dispose of any debris.

Whether you need help with a small home improvement project or a large commercial development, D R Excavation Orlando has the experience and expertise to get the job done right. Keep reading for an overview of the different services we provide throughout Florida.

What We Offer

  • Foundation Excavation

    We at D R Excavation Orlando have extensive experience in foundation excavation & installation. There are a variety of factors that can affect the foundation excavation process, from the type of soil to the depth of the excavation. In general, the deeper the excavation, the more challenging it will be to remove the soil without damaging the foundation.

    Sandy soils are also more difficult to work with, as they can easily collapse and cause damage to the foundation.

    D R Excavation Orlando has many years of excavating foundations under our belt, and we have the equipment and expertise to handle even the most challenging projects. As a result, we're one of the best companies in Orlando for foundation excavation.

  • Drainage & Erosion Control

    We take a number of special considerations into account when completing projects to improve drainage. One of the most important is the type of soil we'll be working with. Some soils are more susceptible to erosion than others, and your contractor will need to take this into account when excavating.

    The slope of the land is also a major factor, as steeper slopes will experience more runoff and require more effort to prevent erosion. In addition, we'll need to consider the amount of rainfall and snowmelt the area receives, as this can affect both the rate of erosion and the amount of water that needs to be drained.

    By taking all of these factors into account carefully, we can be sure that projects to improve drainage are completed successfully.

    Different types of soil have different rates of erosion, so it's important to know what we're dealing with before starting any erosion control project. Another thing to consider is the amount of rainfall that the area receives. If the site is located in an area that experiences a lot of rain, then special measures need to be taken in order to prevent erosion.

    Finally, it's also important to take into account the slope of the land. Steep slopes are more susceptible to erosion, so extra care needs to be taken in order to prevent any damage. By taking all of these factors into account, we make sure that your erosion project is completed without any problems.

  • Trenching Contractors

    Trenching for utilities is a process that involves digging a long, narrow trench in the ground in order to lay down pipes or cables. The trench is typically around two feet wide and six feet deep, though the exact size will depend on the utility being installed.

    The first step in trenching is to mark out the area where the trench will be dug. This is done by using stakes and string to create a clear outline of the proposed trench. Once the area has been marked out, the next step is to start excavating the trench. This is typically done with a backhoe or other heavy equipment.

    Once the trench has been dug, the next step is to install the utility. This involves laying down the pipe or cable and then connecting it to the existing system. Finally, the trench is filled back in and compacted, restoring the area to its original condition. Trenching for utilities is a complex process, but it is an essential part of many construction projects.

    When you're ready to have the trenches dug for your utility installation, give us a call to schedule a free estimate.

  • Basement Excavation

    When excavating for a basement, there are a few special considerations that need to be taken into account.

    First, the depth of the excavation needs to be carefully considered. The deeper the excavation, the more likely it is that the foundation can be damaged.

    Second, the soil type needs to be taken into account. Some soils are more prone to erosion than others, and this can impact the stability of the excavation. Finally, the proximity of utilities needs to be considered.

    Excavating too close to utility lines can cause accidental damage.

    D R Excavation Orlando takes all of these factors into account when excavating for a basement, ensuring a safe and successful installation.

  • Grading Contractors

    When it comes to grading and filling, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, the process of grading and filling is unique in that it involves two distinct steps.

    Second, the land must be graded, or leveled off. This can be done with a variety of machines, depending on the size and scope of the project.

    Once the land has been graded, the next step is to fill it in. This can be done with a variety of materials, including dirt, sand, gravel, and concrete. Depending on the intended use of the land, different grades and fills will be used. For example, a construction site will require a much different grade and fill than a landscaping project.

    This type of excavation is often used to prepare a site for construction, but it can also be used to improve drainage or level an existing lawn. The process of grading and filling involves using heavy equipment to remove topsoil and then replace it with fill dirt. The fill dirt is then compacted to create a level surface.

    D R Excavation Orlando has the experience and equipment needed to complete this type of project quickly and efficiently. We provide our customers with a high-quality product at a reasonable price.

  • Retaining Walls

    Retaining walls are installed to create level spaces in yards and gardens that have natural slopes. Unlike freestanding walls, which are built for purely aesthetic reasons, retaining walls are designed to hold back soil, rocks, or water. Installation typically involves excavating the area behind the wall, adding drainage material such as gravel, and then backfilling with soil.

    The first step is to mark out the proposed wall and excavate to a depth of around 18 inches. The next step is to add a layer of drainage material, such as gravel, which will help to prevent water build-up behind the wall. Once the drainage material is in place, the final step is to backfill with soil and compact it firmly in place.

    The process of installing a retaining wall may vary depending on the materials used and the size and shape of the wall, which we will discuss in detail when on site giving you a free estimate.

  • Culvert Installation

    The depth will determine the size and type of culvert that can be used. Culverts must be able to withstand the weight of the soil and any other materials that may be placed on top of them. In addition, your contractor must take into account the slope of the land. A steeper slope will require a larger culvert. We also consider the type of soil present. Soil types can vary greatly, from sandy loam to clay. Each type of soil has different properties that can affect how well a culvert functions. For example, clay is much more likely to collapse than sand. As a result, contractors must carefully assess all of these factors before excavating for culverts.

    Culvert installation is a unique project for a number of reasons. First, it involves excavating a trench that is significantly deeper than a typical foundation excavation. This requires the use of specialized equipment and techniques to ensure the safety of workers. In addition, culvert installation often takes place in tight spaces, such as under roadways or sidewalks. This can make coordination with other contractors and utility companies difficult. Finally, culverts must be installed with a high level of precision in order to function properly. Culvert installation is a challenging but rewarding project for us as excavation contractors.

  • Land Clearing

    We've completed many land clearing projects throughout Central Florida. The process of land clearing can be quite involved, depending on the size and scope of the project. In general, however, the first step is to remove any trees or other vegetation from the site. This can be done using a variety of methods, including felling, mulching, and grinding.

    Once the vegetation has been removed, the next step is to grade the land. This involves leveling off any high spots and filling in any low spots. Finally, we'll bring in topsoil to provide a foundation for new growth. We may also seed the area with grass or other plants to help prevent erosion.

    This type of project is unique because it involves the removal of trees, brush, and other vegetation from a piece of land. The goal of land clearing is to create a bare, open space that can be used for building homes, roads, or other construction projects. We've got the equipment and expertise to quickly and efficiently clear land. With our experience and expertise, D R Excavation Orlando can help you with all your land clearing needs.

  • Septic Installation

    When it comes to septic installation, there are a few key things that we as excavation contractors keep in the front of our mind. First, the site needs to be properly assessed in order to determine the best location for the septic tank. Then, the excavation team will need to dig a large hole for the tank.

    Once the tank is in place, we will need to install a leach field or drain field. This is a system of perforated pipes that allow water to drain from the septic tank and into the surrounding soil. Finally, the hole will need to be filled in and tamped down, making sure that the tanks and leach fields are level with the ground. By following these steps, your excavation contractors can ensure that septic installation is done properly.

    If you are building a new home or business, or if your current septic system is failing, you will need to choose a new septic system. There are many factors to consider when making this decision, including the size of your property, the number of people who will be using the system, and the climate.

    The most common types of septic systems are aerobic or anaerobic systems. Aerobic systems require electricity to operate and are therefore are more expensive to maintain. However, they are better at treating waste water and preventing odors. Anaerobic systems do not require electricity, but they are not as effective at treating waste water. In addition, they can produce odors.

    When choosing a septic system, give us a call with any questions you might have, to ensure that you choose the right system for your needs.

  • Pond Building & Maintenance

    In the region of Orlando Florida, we are often asked to ponds. There are a few key details and factors involved in this process. First, it is important to choose the right location for the pond. It should be situated in an area that receives plenty of sunlight and is protected from strong winds. Second, the pond must be properly sized. It should be large enough to accommodate the desired number of fish, but not so large that it becomes difficult to maintain. Third, the pond must be constructed with a concrete or liner to prevent leaks. Fourth, it is important to install a pump and filtration system to keep the water clean. Lastly, the pond should be stocked with plants and fish according to the owner's preferences.

    While every pond is different and will require its own unique set of care, there are some general guidelines that apply to all ponds. First and foremost, it is important to have a clear understanding of the pond's ecosystem. This includes understanding the plant and animal life that inhabits the pond as well as the role that each plays in the overall balance of the ecosystem. Additionally, it is important to monitor the water quality on a regular basis, as even slight changes can cause big problems for the delicate ecosystem. Finally, ponds should be regularly cleaned to remove debris and build-up that can upset the balance of the system. By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your pond remains healthy and beautiful for years to come.

    We offer pond excavation, installation and maintenance services, so reach out any time to request a free estimate.

  • Site Preparation

    As excavation contractors in Orlando, we provide an important service in the construction industry: site preparation. This process involves clearing the land of debris, leveling the ground, and excavating any necessary trenches or foundations. While each project is unique, there are some key factors that impact the excavation process.

    The first is the size of the project. A large construction site will obviously require more excavation than a smaller one. The second factor is the type of soil on the site. Loose, sandy soil is much easier to excavate than dense clay. The third factor is the existing infrastructure on the site. If there are already roads and utilities in place, it will be easier to prepare the site for construction. Finally, weather can also be a major factor in site preparation. Heavy rains can delay excavation work, while a hot, dry summer can make the ground too hard to dig.

    By taking these factors into account, D R Excavation will provide you with an efficient and cost-effective service.

  • Commercial & Industrial

    There are a number of different types of commercial excavation services, each of which is suited for a specific purpose. Demolition excavators, for example, are used to demolish buildings and other structures. These excavators are equipped with hydraulic jaws that can crush concrete and metal. Utility excavators, on the other hand, are used to dig trenches for utility lines such as water and sewer lines. These excavators typically have a long boom that allows them to reach deep into the ground. Lastly, there are foundation excavators, which are used to dig the foundations for new buildings. Foundation excavators have large buckets that can scoop up a large amount of soil at once.

    There are also a variety of industrial excavation services available to meet the needs of different businesses. For instance, industrial demolition services can be performed by hand or with heavy machinery, and the type of equipment used will depend on the size and scope of the project. Another type of service is earthmoving, which involves excavating and moving earth and other materials to prepare a site for development. Earthmoving services can also be used to create ponds, lakes, or other bodies of water. In addition, we offer soil stabilization services, which can be used to prevent erosion or to repair damage that has already been done.

  • a yellow excavator is loading dirt into a dump truck

Tips for Choosing the Right Excavation Contractors

With so many companies to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right contractor for your next project. First, take the time to research different companies. It's important to make sure that the company is licensed and insured.

Once you have narrowed down your options, schedule a consultation. This will give you a chance to discuss your project in detail and get a feel for their customer service. Be sure to ask questions about their experience, pricing, and schedules. After meeting with a contractor, you should have a good sense of whether they are the right fit for your project.

Licensed, Insured & Safety Focused

Consider discussing with the contractor about their safety certifications and any industry-specific training they provide to their team. This ensures that the excavation crew is up-to-date on the latest safety standards and practices.

Choosing a contractor with a proactive approach to safety not only protects your project but also reflects a commitment to the well-being of their workforce and clients.

This comprehensive consideration of safety aspects further enhances the reliability and quality of the excavation services you seek.

  • a yellow excavator is digging a hole in the ground

FAQ's About Orlando Excavation

  • What is excavation used for?

    Excavation is a process whereby the soil or rock is removed from one area to another. It's commonly used in construction and landscaping, and is performed using a variety of methods.

    The most common methods include digging with hand tools, using mechanical excavators, or even sometimes blasting with explosives.

    In residential and commercial settings, excavation is often used to prepare a site for building construction or for landscaping purposes. Excavation can also be used to create ponds or lakes, as well as for other infrastructure projects such as roads and railways.

  • How much does excavation typically cost?

    The cost of excavation can vary widely depending on the scope of the project and the type of equipment required.

    For example, a small excavation project might only require a shovel, a strong back and a wheelbarrow.

    A larger project might need an excavator and a dump truck, or much more specialized heavy machinery.

    The terrain also plays a role in the cost of excavation, as excavating rocky or tree-lined land will be more difficult and time-consuming than excavating flat land.

  • What should you expect during the excavation process?

    Here are a few things that customers can expect during the excavation process:

    First, the contractor will need to mark out the area where the excavation will take place. This will help to ensure that the work is performed safely and efficiently.

    Next, the contractor will start to remove the earth and rock from the marked area. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as digging with shovels or using heavy machinery.

    The excavated material will then be hauled away from the site. Finally, the contractor will backfill the excavated area with soil or other materials. Once this is done, the excavation process is complete.

  • What are the most common problems with excavation projects?

    Excavation projects can be complex and challenging, with a variety of potential risks and hazards.

    One of the most common problems is soil instability, which can lead to cave-ins and other dangerous accidents. Soil compaction is another major problem, as it can reduce the stability of the soil and increase the risk of sinkholes.

    In addition, excavation projects can cause environmental damage, including air pollution, water contamination, and noise pollution.

    To minimize these risks, we always have a well thought out plan that we put together carefully.

    With proper precautions in place, excavation projects can be completed safely and successfully.

  • How to prepare for an excavation project?

    Before starting an excavation project, it is important to obtain the necessary permits and licenses. The site should also be surveyed to identify potential hazards, such as underground utilities or unstable soil. 

    Once the excavation begins, the area should be constantly monitored for cave-ins or other mishaps. We make sure all workers are be properly trained and equipped with the necessary safety gear. 

    By taking these precautions, we help ensure safe and successful excavation projects.

Group 4

"We highly recommend their services to anyone looking for top-notch excavation work. Thank you, D R Excavation!"

- Susan Sherman

Group 4

“Grateful to D R Excavation for the great job they did on our project. They were professional, and did a great job cleaning up afterwards. We couldn't have asked for more!"

- Ed Schultz

Group 4

“They did an amazing job and we couldn't have done it without them." 

- Gary @ Custom Dream Homes

Why Should You Work With Us?


Years of Experience


Successful Excavation Projects


Trained Professionals - and Growing!

  • a fountain in the middle of a lake with buildings in the background

Call Now For A Free Quote!

Thank you for your interest in our excavation services. We would be happy to provide you with a free quote for your project.

Please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible. We appreciate your interest in our company and look forward to working with you soon!

Contact Info
D R Excavation
390 N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 3280

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