Land Clearing

We've been providing excellent service as

Land Clearing Contractors

...for over 20 years!

What Are Land Clearing Services?

Land clearing services are offered by companies that specialize in the removal of trees, stumps, and other vegetation from a property to prepare it for development.

These services can include everything from the initial assessment of the property to the removal of debris and cleanup.

This is often done to prepare the land for new construction or to improve its appearance. There are many different methods of land clearing, and it can be performed by hand or with heavy machinery.

We at D R Excavation have the experience and equipment necessary to quickly and safely clear large areas of land.

We can also advise landowners on the best way to clear their property based on its size, topography, and vegetation.

  • an excavator is moving dirt in front of a house

Different Ground Clearing Work

The most type of ground clearing is construction site preparation. This includes removing stumps, roots, and debris from the site so that it is ready for building.

Another type of work is right-of-way maintenance. This involves keeping roads, trails, and other public areas clear of trees and undergrowth.

Forestry mulching is another type of land clearing. In this case, a machine called a mulcher will cut down trees and shrubs and grind them up into small pieces. The mulch can then be used as fertilizer, compost, or ground cover. Tree removal services are also part of the land clearing process, which involves cutting down trees and hauling them away from the site.

What We Offer

  • Lot Clearing

    Lot clearing, often essential for construction or outdoor events, employs various methods depending on the lot's size, condition, and preferences. Initial site assessment examines topography, vegetation, and potential hazards. 

    Subsequently, a plan is devised for tree and plant removal, utilizing tools like chainsaws, excavators, cranes, bulldozers, and heavy machinery. The duration varies but generally takes days or weeks, ensuring meticulous clearing. 

    Thorough planning and execution eliminate unexpected delays or complications during construction. For companies like D R Excavation, lot clearing involves detailed attention, ensuring each step is executed properly, guaranteeing a smooth process from start to finish.

  • Forest Clearing

    When clearing forests for land use, D R Excavation takes several important considerations into account.

    First, we need to be sure that our methods don't damage the soil and disrupt natural habitat for animals and other plants. Additionally, we must make sure that the site is properly remediated to prevent erosion or other environmental impacts from leftover construction materials.

    Furthermore, we need to be mindful of local zoning regulations and obtain all necessary permits before starting work.

    Ultimately, good land clearing practices ensure that we use our extensive knowledge of the local ecosystem and prioritize sustainable development practices. We do this to make sure that the work being done does minimal harm to the environment.

  • Lot Thinning

    Whereas lot clearing involves complete removal of existing vegetation on a given property, lot thinning involves selectively cutting down trees and shrubs while leaving some portions of the landscape intact. This difference is important because each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    For example, lot thinning typically requires less labor, equipment, and time than lot clearing, making it a more cost-effective option for many clients. However, in cases where lots have become heavily overgrown with invasive species or other undesirable growth, lot clearing may be necessary in order to fully restore the land.

    Ultimately, the choice between these two approaches will depend on a variety of factors, including our client's goals for the land as well as environmental considerations such as wildlife habitat and water drainage. The ultimate goal will be to help our customers achieve their vision for their property by providing skilled expertise and efficient service.

  • Forest Thinning

    When most people think of forestry, they picture large swaths of trees being cleared away. However, there is a big difference between "forest clearing" and "forest thinning."

    Forest clearing is the removal of all trees in an area, while forest thinning is the selective removal of certain trees.

    The main purpose of forest thinning is to improve the overall health of the forest. This can be done by removing diseased or damaged trees, as well as opening up the canopy to allow more sunlight and air to reach the forest floor.

    In addition, forest thinning can help to reduce the risk of wildfires, as it eliminates potential fuel sources. As a result, forest thinning is a key part of managing and protecting these important ecosystems - and helping to add value to the long term life of your property.

Our Process

  • Check With the Local Rules

    In some areas, you may need a permit to clear land, and there may be specific rules about what kind of vegetation you can clear and how much. You may also be required to plant new trees or vegetation in order to offset any deforestation.

    Clearing too much forest can upset the balance of the local ecosystem, and may even cause problems like soil erosion or flooding.

    Make sure you know what kinds of plants and animals live in your area, and take their needs into account when planning your land clearance project.

  • Set Limitations

    You need to be clear about what you want done and what you do not want done. This will help to keep the cost down and ensure that the crew does not go too far with the land clearing.

    Include any structures that you want left standing, like houses, barns, or sheds. If there are any trees that you want preserved, make sure to mark those areas as well. The crew will work within these boundaries to clear the land while staying away from anything that you have specified.

    Do not be afraid to ask for a detailed estimate of the cost of removing specific types of trees or plants. This will help to avoid any surprises once work has begun. By setting these limitations, you can ensure that you get the services that you need without spending too much money or running into problems with the crew going too far with their work.

  • Mark What You Wish to Keep

    This information will form the basis for identifying which areas should be left untouched during the clearing process. We have a strong understanding of how different types of vegetation react when exposed to different tools and techniques for cutting down trees and removing thick underbrush.

    For example, certain types of foliage can contain needle-like branches that deflect the force from blades when cut, making it more difficult to clear an area effectively without damaging any desired plant life.

    Finally, communication between your contractor and you, the customer, is essential in order to ensure that both parties are on the same page regarding expectations.

    In short, when it comes to land clearing contractors, careful planning and attention to detail are key in ensuring successful outcomes for all involved parties.

  • Demolish Man-Made Structures

    During this step of the process, we assess the size and condition of any buildings or other structures that may be present on the property, as these buildings will need to be demolished in order for the land to be cleared.

    We also consider any potential obstacles that could hinder or delay their work, such as underground utilities or waterways. Overall, these are just a couple of the many important steps that we take as land clearing contractors in order to successfully demolish structures during land clearing projects.

    This includes houses, sheds, barns, and any other buildings. Once all of the man-made structures have been demolished, the land can be cleared of debris and vegetation.

  • Removal of Standing Features

    We first assess the type of feature that is being removed. For example, a tree will require different equipment and techniques than a bush or a shrub.

    Second, we consider the size of the feature. A large tree will obviously be more difficult to remove than a small one. Third, we must evaluate the surrounding area. If there are delicate plants or structures nearby, extra care must be taken to avoid damage.

    Finally, as your land clearing contractor, we must decide what to do with the debris once it has been removed. In some cases, it may be necessary to haul it off-site; in others, it may be possible to simply leave it on-site, or even repurpose it. By taking all of these factors into account, D R Excavation can ensure that the job is done safely and efficiently.

  • Brush Clearing & Vegetation Removal

    When completing the brush clearing & vegetation removal step in the process of clearing land, there are a number of specific factors that your land clearing company takes into account.

    One of the most important considerations is the type of vegetation that is present on the property. Some plants are more difficult to remove than others, and some may require special equipment.

    In addition, we will also take into account the size and layout of the property, as well as any potential obstacles that may need to be cleared. By taking all of these factors into consideration, your contractor can ensure that the job is completed quickly and efficiently.

  • Land Leveling & Grading

    During this step of the process, we will first assess the topography of the land in order to identify any potential hazards or obstacles that could make leveling difficult or unsafe.

    Next, we determine the best way to approach the leveling process in order to minimize disruption to the surrounding area.

    Finally, we will develop a plan for managing any waste material generated during the leveling process.

    By taking all of these factors into account, D R Excavation can ensure that the land leveling process is completed safely and efficiently.

  • Land Development Project Begins

    Once we have completed the land clearing process, the landscape looks drastically different than it did prior to beginning.

    With the brush and undergrowth gone, the ground is now smooth and ready for the next stage of development to begin. Our team can now get to work surveying and marking off the site preparing it for construction.

    In some cases, we may even have to grade or cut into the site in order to prepare it for excavation or paving. Overall, after completing a land clearing process, we feel proud that we have helped to make way for new growth and progress in their community.

Land Clearing Cost Per Acre

  • Cost to Clear Wooded Lot Per Quarter Acre

    The cost to clear a wooded lot per quarter acre can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. Some of the main considerations include the size, accessibility, and condition of the land as well as the types of trees that need to be removed.

    In general, it is typically more expensive to clear smaller lots or those situated in hard-to-reach areas due to additional costs associated with labor, equipment rental, and transportation. And as might be expected, heavily wooded lots often require more work and thus incur higher costs.

    When estimating the cost for removing trees from a particular lot, it is also important to consider the type of trees present. For example, pine or cedar trees are generally much easier to clear than larger hardwoods such as oak or maple due to their lightweight nature and shallow root systems.

    Additionally, certain types of trees may be subject to targeted tree removal programs offered by state or local municipalities. These incentive programs can help offset some of the clearing costs by providing financial assistance or matching grants for landowners who agree to remove select species within a designated time period.

  • Cost to Clear Underbrush Per Acre

    The average cost to clear underbrush per acre can vary significantly depending on a number of different factors, including the size of the area that needs to be cleared, location and accessibility, and overall complexity of the job.

    One of the key factors that can influence how much it costs to clear underbrush per acre is the size of the area. Generally speaking, larger areas will be more expensive to clear than smaller ones, due to factors like increased labor costs and equipment rental.

    Ultimately, larger areas often command higher rates simply because they require more resources to complete the same task. In addition to size, location also plays an important role in determining how much it costs to clear underbrush per acre.

    Generally speaking, areas that are more remote or isolated will tend to be more expensive for a number of reasons, including increased transportation costs for materials and personnel as well as increased safety risks for workers who may not have access to public services like medical care or rescue.

FAQ's About Land Clearing

  • How do land clearers get rid of small trees and brushes in order to clear a property?

    There are a number of different methods that land clearers use to remove small trees and other brush from properties. One popular approach is to cut down the trees using specialized equipment, such as large chain saws or hydraulic cutters.

    Another approach is to use manual tools, such as axes or hand pruners, in order to carefully trim the trees and shrubs back until they can be removed safely. Some land clearers even use chemical solutions and harsh chemicals to kill off unwanted tree growth more efficiently, though this method may raise environmental concerns in some cases.

    Ultimately, the method that's used will depend on a number of factors, including the type and size of the tree or shrub that needs to be cleared, as well as the budget and preferences of the property owner.

    Land clearers use different methods and equipment to clear a property. Small trees and brushes can be cleared from a property by using a land clearer. A land clearer is a piece of equipment that uses a rotating blade to cut down the trees and brush.

    Another popular way to clear land is by using machines like bulldozers, excavators, or skidders. These machines are typically used in conjunction with attachments that vary depending on the job ahead.

  • How much does it cost to clear acres of land?

    There is no one definitive answer to the question of how much it costs to clear acres of land, as there are a number of factors that can influence the final cost. The topographical features and vegetation of the site will be important considerations, as will the size of the acreage in question.

    One major factor that determines the overall cost is the type of machinery needed for the job. Generally speaking, larger tractors with specialized equipment and attachments can handle larger jobs more quickly than smaller machines can. This can save time and money in the long run.

    Additionally, any weeds or invasive species on the site will need to be dealt with before any other treatments can be applied, so those costs should also be taken into account when estimating how much it will cost to clear acres of land.

    Ultimately, though, a professional contractor who has experience working on similar sites should be able to give you a more accurate estimate of what such a project would cost in your particular situation.

Contact Us Today For A Free Quote

Our company has years of experience in excavating all sorts of land, from small residential properties to large commercial ones. We have the equipment and manpower to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Contact us today to get started on your project!

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